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Energy BrainBlog

Blog by Energy Brainpool GmbH & Co. KG

Tag: Procurement (page 1 of 2)

EU Energy Outlook 2060 – how will the European electricity market develop over the next 37 years?

Installierte Erzeugungskapazitäten nach Energieträger in EU 27, zzgl. NO, CH und UK (Quelle: Energy Brainpool, 2022; EU Reference Scenario, 2021; entso-e, 2022)
© Energy Brainpool

With the current “EU Energy Outlook 2060”, Energy Brainpool shows long-term trends in Europe. The European energy system will change dramatically in the coming decades. In addition to climate change and an outdated power plant fleet, current geopolitical tensions are also forcing the European Union and many countries to change their energy policies. What do these developments mean for power prices, revenue potential and risks for photovoltaics and wind?

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Rocket program for German LNG terminals

Shares of natural gas import countries in Germany and the EU (source: Energy Brainpool, 2022)
© Energy Brainpool

Reducing dependence on Russian gas is the order of the day. Thus, import LNG terminals will soon play an important role in Germany. The idea of building import terminals for liquefied natural gas (LNG) on the German coast is already several years old. However, political support for the construction of the planned facilities in Brunsbüttel, Wilhelmshaven and Stade was limited. Moreover, investment decisions by economic actors also dragged on for a long time, were put on hold or planning was very slow.

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EU Energy Outlook 2050: How will the European electricity market develop over the next 30 years?

The European energy system will change dramatically in the coming decades. In addition to climate change and an outdated power plant fleet, current geopolitical tensions are also forcing the European Union and many countries to change their energy policies. What do these developments mean for prices, revenue potential and risks for photovoltaics and wind?

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Record prices on the electricity market: RE market values now hedged on the futures market?

Market values of renewable energies compared to the EEG tender results 2018 to 2020 (Source: Energy Brainpool, 2021)

In the wake of historically high electricity prices, conventional marketing strategies for electricity from renewable energies (RE) are at stake. Until now, RE direct marketing has been equivalent to selling at spot markets, a standard that has hardly been questioned. Why should a power plant operator expose himself to the futures market risk when the EEG subsidy secures the market value on the spot market? Combined with upcoming contract adjustments in connection with Redispatch 2.0, some direct marketers are now offering guaranteed market values for the future and hedging them on the forward market. With fundamental scenario swarm analysis, you are able to indicate under what circumstances this is a good idea.

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The German electricity balancing market in transition part II

 In order to limit price peaks in the balancing energy price, the Federal Network Agency introduced the mixed-price system in the balancing market. However, this procedure was not free of problems either.

In the second part of our series on the “The German electricity balancing market in transition” we discuss what problems arose during implementation and how the market behaved.

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Quarterly report: sales revenues wind and PV in Q4 2019

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On a quarterly basis, we take a look at the theoretically achievable sales revenues of onshore and offshore wind turbines as well as photovoltaic systems and we analyse the respective background.

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The German electricity balancing market in transition – part I

In order to maintain security of supply at a high level, there must always be a balance between production and consumption in the electricity supply system. This form of system security is the responsibility of the transmission system operators (TSOs).

The balancing energy market exists to enable grid operators to cost-effectively compensate for power and voltage fluctuations in the transmission grid. How this market works is explained in the first part of the series “The German electricity balancing market in transition”.

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7th Energy-Brainpool-electricity-market-symposium 2018 – a review

© Energy Brainpool

17 speakers from business, science and politics. 48 hours exchange. 15 years of Energy Brainpool in the electricity market. The who’s who of the energy industry was honoured at the 7th electricity market symposium. Well-known representatives from science, politics and business shared current information and new perspectives with the participants.

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