17 speakers from business, science and politics. 48 hours exchange. 15 years of Energy Brainpool in the electricity market. The who’s who of the energy industry was honoured at the 7th electricity market symposium. Well-known representatives from science, politics and business shared current information and new perspectives with the participants.
The electricity market is filled with buzzwords and buzzwords: Blockchain, PPA, sector coupling, digitisation. The who’s who of the energy industry had the honour of giving content to these buzzwords. Well-known representatives from science, politics and business, such as Dr. Kathrin Thomaschki from the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy (BMWi) and Thorsten Lenck from Agora Energiewende, shared their latest knowledge and new perspectives with the participants of the #EBsmsy2018.
Day 1: Berlin sets the tone – an overview of energy policy barriers, points and signposts
#energytransition #globalisation #renewables
Torsten Windels, Chief Economist at NORD/LB (Norddeutsche Landesbank Girozentrale), opened the day with the topic “Desire and frustration of business, politics and consumers”. His topics range from structural distortions in the global economy, trumptious populism of the “beautiful clean coal” to the ever-underestimated dynamics of the expansion of renewable energies. #Cleanenergypackage #Cleanenergy #Energygrid
After the global outlook is before the political point of view. Dr. Kathrin Thomaschki from the BMWi presented the political perspectives. Her topics included the advantages of uniform bid zones, the framework conditions of the “Clean Energy Package” of the European Commission, the challenges of grid expansion and the balancing energy market. Regulated energy market and intraday trading compete for liquidity #energymarket #Climatetargets
The political voice was followed by a representative from the business sector. Tilman Schwencke, Head of Strategy and Policy at BDEW (Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft), described the view of the association. “There is no complete solution for the energy industry,” says Tilman Schwencke. The energy market requires fundamental decisions on a wide range of issues: CO2 pricing, sector coupling, market design for secured services etc.
Fabian Huneke, Senior Expert at Energy Brainpool, opened the first panel discussion on the most important energy policy drivers from Berlin and Brussels. The discussion quickly took off with the speakers from the first block “Berlin sets the tone”. The old debate about the “copper plate” echoed through the “Kunztschule”. The authors of the Energy Brainblog wrote a contribution to this in January 2017. Tilman Schwenke of the BDEW expressed concerns about the security of supply until 2030, saying that at least 20 GW of new power plant capacity would be needed. The direct dissenting vote came with Dr. Kathrin Thomaschki. Security of supply can be maintained with the continuation of the current strategy. In addition, Torsten Windels announced that despite the market parity of renewable energies, strong regulation will continue.
Oldies but goldies – commodity markets and thermal power plants
#CO2price #EUETS #climatechange
Thosten Lenck of the Berlin think-tank Agora Energiewende described the target paths of German climate policy and which instruments must complement European emissions trading. Only a holistic approach to CO2 reduction in the ETS and non-ETS sectors can lead to the achievement of climate targets. #Gassector #Sectorcoupling #Decarbonisation
The political theory was followed by the application case. Christian Butterweck of Trianel GmbH gave the attentive audience a comprehensive insight into the experiences and future of a modern combined cycle power plant (CCGT). “The worst years are over” concludes the speaker and looks optimistically into the future of the Trianel GmbH power plant. CCGT’s benefit from the decarbonisation mentioned in the previous presentation. These can be used flexibly to meet the volatile demand for power generation from renewable energies. No matter which scenario is considered in the network development plan of the Federal Network Agency: Gas-fired power plants play a key role. #sectorcoupling #energytransition #P2X
The buzzword sector coupling is on everyone’s lips in politics, science and business. Dr. Andreas Schnauß from Vattenfall Europe Wärme AG and member of the Climate Protection Council Berlin spoke about the conditions and developments when the electricity, heat and mobility sectors combine. Combined heat and power (CHP) and the fluctuating energies of wind and photovoltaics complement each other in the course of the year.
Procurement optimisation – how to get low-cost electricity
#spotmarket #energytransition #virtualpowerplant
Johannes Päffgen from Next Kraftwerke GmbH described new prospects for short-term trading in a European market. Next Kraftwerke provides a virtual power plant in the energy market. A virtual power plant combines a wide variety of decentralised generation plants using special algorithms. In this way, “virtually” miniature plants become a joint large-scale power plant. Criticism was loud: “In new tendering modes, flexibility options would lose value, innovation would be dampened. However, these flexibility options will be needed in the future.” #PPA #PostEEG #EEG
The new creation #PPA is both: buzzword and potential gamechanger. So-called power purchase agreements (energy supply contracts) describe a financing path outside of state subsidies. Dr. Carmen Schneider filled the term with specialist content. The opportunities followed on the basis and types of PPA. PPAs can guarantee fixed purchase commitments for a defined volume, within a fixed period, at fixed prices. #PPA #PostEEG #EEG
Are PPAs the philosopher’s stone for renewable energies? Christian Essers from Wacker Chemie AG got to the root of this question. PPAs have long been available on the conventional market. The parties must agree complex bilateral agreements. These contracts should include future amendments. Under certain conditions, PPAs may be useful, for example for Ü-21 systems that are not eligible for funding (in german).
Theory was followed by another application case: Thomas Losinger from EnBW AG in Swabia described the “use of battery storage in virtual power plants”. A virtual power plant with local producers was successfully constructed by EnBW AG. The conclusion: A virtual power plant can increase self-sufficiency and own consumption, optimise direct marketing and increase the value of the residual feed-in. #Flexibilities #virtualpowerplant
At the end of the first day, the “beer-to-peer” bar discussion with Tobias Kurth and Eike Dehning followed. Eike Dehning described everything that follows behind the socket as “engine room”. Electricity is a product without recognisable properties. Thus the marketing of the suppliers try to inhale emotions and characteristics of this product. Both experts said that it would now take bold pioneers to reinterpret services of general interest. It does not matter whether it is in combination with other commodities, furniture solutions, as well as IT and communication offers. This was the perfect transition to the end of the first day and the beginning of the second day. In this way, the participants were able to form their own ideas before the “trend topics in check” came up.
Day two: hot air or game changer – trend topics in check
The second day of the 7th Electricity Market Symposium started happily with a Buzzword Bingo. Thanks to the swarm intelligence, the guests created an atmosphere on the future topics of the energy market, mobility and digitalisation.
The two speakers Katrin Hübner and Oliver Arnhold from the Reiner Lemoine Institute spoke in their tandem lecture on the topic: “Optimised location search for charging infrastructure”. There will be no energy transition without a transport transition. Driving bans on diesel vehicles are imminent. The 2020 climate targets will not be achieved. A strategy that includes electromobility is needed. Charging stations are a necessary condition for this. The RLI’s strategy is to provide the charging infrastructure first. The two speakers used the stage of the Energy Brainpool Symposium to announce for the first time: “From the RLI, a company foundation will be initiated”. The findings from the “PIOnEER” research project are to be incorporated into a web-based application for automated planning of charging infrastructure for electric mobility. Target groups are municipalities, cities, federal states, as well as municipal utilities, network operators and private individuals. #sectorcoupling #virtualpowerplant
The speakers gave the participants a complete insight into all important topics of the electricity market. The next major trend topic was not long in coming: sector coupling. This receives a great deal of attention, even though there are not many applications on the market. Heiko Tautor provided an insight into the work of WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG. The problems are large volumes of volatile generation, slow grid expansion, lack of storage and the control of energy systems. One solution: communication between the sectors. One solution could be a conductor in the form of a cloud. Figuratively speaking: A symphony orchestra is a complex system. String instruments, brass and stringed instruments must work together harmoniously. This is the only way to achieve a wonderful sound. The key is a director. This not only controls all “sectors”, but can also design freely.
Dietrich Sümmermann of Motionwerk GmbH took on the next buzzwords of the electricity market: Blockchain and electromobility. He gave an insight into the mobility sector and the Innogy project “Charge & Share”. Direct transactions are to be simplified by means of blockchain technology. Avoiding a central instance reduces complexity. #electromobility #Blockchain
The great of tomorrow? Business models of new market participants under the spotlight
The last lecture block was introduced by Dr. Franka Birke from METR Building Management Systems GmbH. A practical report came from her: Digital applications in the real estate industry could build a bridge to the energy industry. The METR platform presented offers housing companies a wide variety of solutions. Whether intelligent parking systems, age-appropriate assistance systems or sub-metering – the platform opens up new business models. #AI #smartmeter #smartmeterrollout #digitisation
The following lecture by Dr. Christian Bogatu from Fresh Energy GmbH was the counterpart from the energy industry, with a view to the real estate industry. The smart meter rollout concerns Fresh Energy without a legal rollout plan. In his presentation “From kilowatt hours to kilobytes: new data-based business models for energy suppliers”, he presented the business model of the start-up in more detail. Thanks to an intelligent counting system, power consumption is made visible in a mobile phone app. The consumer can see directly where in the household which saving potentials are hidden.
A new hope for the energy transition
#perspectives #innovation #mindfulness
Something is moving in the energy market. “A new hope”. A hope that is slowly being carried into the electricity market by an entire generation. This refers to generation Y. The age group of twenty plus. No matter if you are a graduate or an apprentice. Grown up with an ever increasing share of renewable energies and sustainability as a matter of course. The change in the energy industry is unstoppable. Innovation finds its way. Ayanda Rogge embodies this generation and motivation. She is a master student on IoT – Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and how market conditions are changing for companies. The last lecture provided the greatest perspective of the symposium. “When it comes to innovation, the industry stumbles over its own feet,” says Ayanda Rogge. Working with start-ups does not mean that innovations are created on their own. There are structural problems. The term “start-up” is diluted. These are not a panacea. And unfortunately, the energy industry is an obstacle. It takes fundamental expertise to survive in the energy market with all its complexity. How can a different perspective be created? The answer is communication with a feedback channel and direct proactive expectation management.
The concluding discussion “Innovation and Vision” was a highlight of the symposium: with profound and strongly formulated perspectives of the speakers.
A few impressions of the events can be found at symposium.energybrainpool.com