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Energy BrainBlog

Blog by Energy Brainpool GmbH & Co. KG

Tag: E-mobility (page 1 of 3)

The climate-neutral grid in 2045: What do the transmission system operators expect?

The new government is not the only one with ambitious plans for 2030. In their scenario framework 2023–2037 for electricity, the German transmission system operators also presented the electricity sector up to 2045 for the first time. In that year, Germany aims to be climate neutral. What assumptions do the grid operators make and what does the scenario mean for the energy industry? We want to explore these questions in this article.

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China’s energy system in 2020: record expansion of renewables despite Corona pandemic

Although the economy suffered a slump in the first few months of last year, electricity consumption rose by almost 300 TWh over the year 2020 as a whole. The shares of renewable energies in electricity generation increased. Especially in the last quarter of 2020, more PV and wind capacity was added than is installed in Germany up to now.

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E-mobility in Germany: record year 2020

Elektroauto an Ladestation (Quelle: Pixabay/geralt)
© Pixabay: geralt

In the past few months, new record levels for electric car registrations have been recorded. What exactly this development looked like, what effects the new emissions reform will have on e-mobility and whether more charging stations or more e-cars are needed to achieve the goals of the federal government. All of this is explained in this article.

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World Energy Outlook 2020: New commodity scenarios influence power prices in the long term


In the second part of the World Energy Outlook 2020 blog series, we provide a detailed overview of the significantly adjusted development expectations for the global oil, gas and coal markets. For this, we use our fundamental model Power2Sim. The model allows us to quantitatively estimate the long-term effects on European power prices until 2040 as well as the sales revenues of renewable energies.

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Renewable energies and e-mobility in times of the corona pandemic

© Petair/Fotolia

What was the development for renewable energies and e-mobility in recent months? What effect did the corona pandemic have on the expansion of both and can conclusions be drawn for the rest of 2020 or beyond? These are the questions we will answer in this article.

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The Corona economic stimulus package and the energy industry

© tsaiwen-hsu/Unsplash

Waiting came to an end: the German government has agreed on the most important points of its Corona economic stimulus package. It seems that only the pandemic and the ensuing economic crisis have given politics a leg up. This article gives an overview of the most important changes and points of the Corona economic stimulus package for the energy industry.

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China in 2019: What was the energy system like?

All in all, the total new electricity generation in China in 2019 was 330 TWh. Renewable energies dominated the new generation. China is still at the forefront of selling electric vehicles.

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Electromobility and the search for the best locations for charging stations

© Petair/Fotolia

There is a major challenge in setting up the charging infrastructure for electromobility. Charging points that are not used are unprofitable. So the question is: How do charging station operators find the locations with the highest potential for electromobility? And what role does automated charging infrastructure planning play in this?

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