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Energy BrainBlog

Blog by Energy Brainpool GmbH & Co. KG

Tag: Commodity markets (page 1 of 6)

EU Energy Outlook 2060: How will power prices, generation and demand develop?

The topic of security of energy supply is currently on everyone’s mind. This is why the German and French governments, among others, have published new plans for the modernisation of their power plants in the coming decades. Climate change is also an important issue. The EU Green Deal defines the goal of climate neutrality in Europe by 2050 and focuses primarily on renewable energies.

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EEA – do we need a coal phase-out?

Foto: Patrick Pleul/dpa (Tagebau und Kraftwerkspark im südbrandenburgischen Jänschwalde)
© Patrick Pleul/dpa

Coal will be phased out of the German electricity mix by the end of 2038 at the latest. The last coalition led by Chancellor Angela Merkel had already agreed on this. If the current coalition government has its way, the coal phase-out would ideally be completed by 2030.

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Geopolitics: historical development, key data and current perspectives

Anyone looking for a clear and unambiguous definition of the term geopolitics will unfortunately not find a comprehensive description that can be clearly written down. However, the cornerstones of the historical development of the term do allow us to categorise it.

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Energy Market Review May 2023

May 2023 held some exciting news for the energy industry. The German Minister of Economics, Robert Habeck, presented a working paper on the industrial electricity price. While industry representatives praise the concept, there are also critical voices. In May, the French National Assembly voted in favor of more nuclear power. In addition, the EEX published the first market-based index for hydrogen.

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EU Energy Outlook 2060 – how will the European electricity market develop over the next 37 years?

With the current “EU Energy Outlook 2060”, Energy Brainpool shows long-term trends in Europe. The European energy system will change dramatically in the coming decades. In addition to climate change and an outdated power plant fleet, current geopolitical tensions are also forcing the European Union and many countries to change their energy policies. What do these developments mean for power prices, revenue potential and risks for photovoltaics and wind?

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Russia throttles pipeline flows, US LNG supplies restricted: Can we achieve the European storage targets in 2022?

After the outlook for European gas-supply security improved significantly in May 2022, current developments are worrying. First, it is announced that US LNG export capacity is limited for the near future, then Russia significantly cuts supply volumes via the important Nord Stream 1 pipeline.

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EU Energy Outlook 2050: How will the European electricity market develop over the next 30 years?

The European energy system will change dramatically in the coming decades. In addition to climate change and an outdated power plant fleet, current geopolitical tensions are also forcing the European Union and many countries to change their energy policies. What do these developments mean for prices, revenue potential and risks for photovoltaics and wind?

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Energy market review February 2022

Due to the war in Ukraine, February 22 was characterised by strong price movements on the short-term and futures markets. The certification of Nord Stream 2 has now been finally suspended. Due to the current high energy prices, the German government is already abolishing the EEG levy in the middle of this year. In addition, while the nuclear phase-out is scheduled for the end of this year in Germany, further nuclear power plants are being planned in France.

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