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Energy BrainBlog

Blog by Energy Brainpool GmbH & Co. KG

Author: Alex Schmitt

The weather swarm: power price scenarios, weather and climate change

How could climate change transform the electricity market revenues of renewable energies? Future climate change will impact today’s investment decisions in renewable generation plants, as power prices are influenced by, among other things, the weather. Fundamental power price scenarios have not yet taken this into further consideration. Energy Brainpool has therefore developed the concept of a climate-sensitive “weather swarm”.

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Revenue Potential for Battery Storage Systems on the Power Market – Current Developments

Hardly any other market in Germany has undergone as rapid a change in recent years as the market for battery storage. Within ten years, battery storage systems with a total of 6.5 GW power and 10.1 GWh energy have been installed.

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EU Energy Outlook 2060 – how will the European electricity market develop over the next 37 years?

Installierte Erzeugungskapazitäten nach Energieträger in EU 27, zzgl. NO, CH und UK (Quelle: Energy Brainpool, 2022; EU Reference Scenario, 2021; entso-e, 2022)
© Energy Brainpool

With the current “EU Energy Outlook 2060”, Energy Brainpool shows long-term trends in Europe. The European energy system will change dramatically in the coming decades. In addition to climate change and an outdated power plant fleet, current geopolitical tensions are also forcing the European Union and many countries to change their energy policies. What do these developments mean for power prices, revenue potential and risks for photovoltaics and wind?

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EU Energy Outlook 2050: How will the European electricity market develop over the next 30 years?

The European energy system will change dramatically in the coming decades. In addition to climate change and an outdated power plant fleet, current geopolitical tensions are also forcing the European Union and many countries to change their energy policies. What do these developments mean for prices, revenue potential and risks for photovoltaics and wind?

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