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Energy BrainBlog

Blog by Energy Brainpool GmbH & Co. KG

Author: Tobias Federico (page 1 of 5)

Geopolitics: historical development, key data and current perspectives

Anyone looking for a clear and unambiguous definition of the term geopolitics will unfortunately not find a comprehensive description that can be clearly written down. However, the cornerstones of the historical development of the term do allow us to categorise it.

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Natural gas & co.: Will the next winter be cold?

© Unsplash/kwon junho

The current discussion in Germany and Europe regarding a possible supply stop of natural gas & Co. from Russia in the course of the Ukraine war is moving many people. In part, the debate is not based on factual knowledge. This blog article takes a data-driven look at the issue of supply security.

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Growth of offshore wind energy slows down in 2016

Grafik Ausbaustand Offshore Wind in Deutschland 30.6.2016

The growth rate of offshore wind energy in German did slow down as expected with 258 megawatt. Until the end of the year 2016 a total increase of 700 megawatt is expected.

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Step by step or the small particles of the energy transition

© By-Studio/ Fotolia

All players of the energy sector are needed to shape the energy market of the future. A variety of new and persistent trends – from the decentralization of generation, the digitalization, the energy transition through to the issues of flexibility and storage – transform the power sector and therefore also have a direct influence on other energy markets.

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Brexit throws energy market into disarray

The referendum in the UK in favor of leaving the EU caused severe disturbances on the energy markets in Europe. Most prominently the prices for power and CO2-certificates fell drastically.

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Blockchains in the Energy Market – First Conference in Germany

© Javier Castro/ Fotolia

Organized by Solarpraxis and Vattenfall the first conference on blockchains in the energy market will take place on the 23rd of May 2016 in Berlin. The blockchain technology has the potential to create completely new business models.

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First Conference on “Global Energy Interconnection” will be held in Beijing

GEI_2016 Conference

The State Grid Corporation of China (SGCC), International Energy Agency (IEA) and Edison Electric Institute (EEI) are jointly preparing the “Global Energy Interconnection” from the 30th until 31st of March 2016 in Beijing.

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Offshore windenergy with record growth in Germany

Offshore wind energy map_31_12_2015
© Stiftung Offshore-Windenergie

Offshore wind turbines with a total capacity of 2,282.4 megawatts went on grid 2015. This will however initially remain a unique record, as it is based on the catch-up effects of grid connection.

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