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Energy BrainBlog

Blog by Energy Brainpool GmbH & Co. KG

Category: White paper

Potential future loss of renewable energy plants through the six hour rule

Figure 1 Annual lost revenues (market value and market premium) for wind and solar plants in percent of total annual revenues
© Energy Brainpool

If the electricity prices on the spot market are negative for at least six consecutive hours, the payment of remuneration for renewable energies will cease. This matter of fact is determined by §51 of the EEG 2017. Nevertheless already this year in the period of the 28th to the 29th of October, 21 consecutive hours with negative prices have been recorded. As a result the future assures that renewable energy systems will be denied by compensation payments. Energy Brainpool has published a white paper which examines this risk over the period 2016-2036.

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Are post-EEG wind turbines economically viable?

© Energy Brainpool

Starting with the year 2021, the first wind turbines will leave the EEG subsidy regime. From a technical perspective, a further operation of some plants is possible. However, is this feasible under economic conditions?

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What is the minimum CO2-price in order to affect the merit-order?

© Energy Brainpool

The worldwide reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is the prerequisite for achieving the climate goals agreed in course of the UN Climate Conference in Paris. The pricing of those greenhouse gases would be an effective market mechanism to realize emission savings.

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Profitability of non-subsidized offshore wind farms

Projekt Meerwind SÜD | OST (WIND MW)
© WindMW GmbH

1380 MW offshore wind power plants forego state subsidies. According to the experts at Energy Brainpool, the average revenue for non-subsidized offshore wind farms will grow from around 53 EUR/MWh in 2025 to around 76 EUR/MWh in 2035.

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Valuation of electricity market revenues of fluctuating renewable energy sources

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Energy Brainpool, the independent market specialist for the energy sector from Berlin, published a white paper with the title “valuation of electricity market revenues of fluctuating renewable energy sources”. Therein the analysts illustrate the specially developed parameter of the sales revenue.

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Win-win situation: E-mobility decreases emissions and accelerates expansion of renewables

© Innogy

The switch towards E-mobility in Germany allows for an additional PV and wind capacity addition of 63 GW, as well as an emission reduction in the private transport sector and the power generation by 70 percent.

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White Paper: The effect of a CO2 price floor in Germany

Wind Farm (lovellconsulting)
© Lovell Consulting

A new White Paper of Energy Brainpool deals with the effects of a price floor for CO2-emissions in Germany. The conclusion of the Berlin-based analysts: A price increase from about 5 to 27.6 €/ton as assumed by the World Energy Outlook is not sufficient to achieve the German climate targets for 2030. A national price floor is able to alleviate that problem in Germany, is however not an efficient instrument in a European context.

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