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Energy BrainBlog

Blog by Energy Brainpool GmbH & Co. KG

Category: Analysis (page 2 of 12)

Chemistry 4 Climate – achieving Carbon-Neutrality in the German Chemistry Sector

© Pexels/Chokniti Khongchum

Amidst German high-tech laboratories, significant scientific innovations are born, which, along with German chemical products, are exported to the entire world. The impact of chemical-pharmaceutical products extends far beyond national borders. However, their production is accompanied not only by economic gain but also by an enormous consumption of energy and resources. Hence, a vital contemporary question arises: How can carbon neutrality be reconciled with the chemical industry?

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EU Energy Outlook 2060 – how will the European electricity market develop over the next 37 years?

With the current “EU Energy Outlook 2060”, Energy Brainpool shows long-term trends in Europe. The European energy system will change dramatically in the coming decades. In addition to climate change and an outdated power plant fleet, current geopolitical tensions are also forcing the European Union and many countries to change their energy policies. What do these developments mean for power prices, revenue potential and risks for photovoltaics and wind?

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War, gas shortages and extreme prices: 2022 throws energy markets off track

© Energy Brainpool

The year 2022 is primarily dominated by the Russian-Ukrainian war. The resulting geopolitical changes caused a state of emergency on the power markets this year. However, the framework conditions for the energy industry will not be the same in the future: energy security, diversification as well as efficiency and savings measures are coming to the fore. In the short term, energy prices in the EU have risen to record levels. The consumption of natural gas in Germany has already been reduced year-on-year. In the coming months, it will remain important to keep an eye on gas import volumes and the filling levels of storage facilities.

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EU Energy Outlook 2060 – how will the European electricity market develop over the next 37 years?

Installierte Erzeugungskapazitäten nach Energieträger in EU 27, zzgl. NO, CH und UK (Quelle: Energy Brainpool, 2022; EU Reference Scenario, 2021; entso-e, 2022)
© Energy Brainpool

With the current “EU Energy Outlook 2060”, Energy Brainpool shows long-term trends in Europe. The European energy system will change dramatically in the coming decades. In addition to climate change and an outdated power plant fleet, current geopolitical tensions are also forcing the European Union and many countries to change their energy policies. What do these developments mean for power prices, revenue potential and risks for photovoltaics and wind?

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No more woes on the gas market? A review of the current developments

Prices on the European gas market have fallen sharply since August 2022 and Europe’s gas storage facilities are almost full. That raises the question if the situation on the gas market is relaxing. Find the most important answers and developments in this article.

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Spot market prices for electricity break all records

Prices on the European spot markets for electricity are at their highest levels since the beginning of exchange trading. The exchanges had to introduce higher price limits to react to the situation. What is currently happening on the short-term markets and what will happen in winter?

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Russia throttles pipeline flows, US LNG supplies restricted: Can we achieve the European storage targets in 2022?

After the outlook for European gas-supply security improved significantly in May 2022, current developments are worrying. First, it is announced that US LNG export capacity is limited for the near future, then Russia significantly cuts supply volumes via the important Nord Stream 1 pipeline.

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Rocket program for German LNG terminals

Shares of natural gas import countries in Germany and the EU (source: Energy Brainpool, 2022)
© Energy Brainpool

Reducing dependence on Russian gas is the order of the day. Thus, import LNG terminals will soon play an important role in Germany. The idea of building import terminals for liquefied natural gas (LNG) on the German coast is already several years old. However, political support for the construction of the planned facilities in Brunsbüttel, Wilhelmshaven and Stade was limited. Moreover, investment decisions by economic actors also dragged on for a long time, were put on hold or planning was very slow.

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