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Energy BrainBlog

Blog by Energy Brainpool GmbH & Co. KG

Search results: "presse" (page 1 of 11)

Will 2024 mark the beginning of a new nuclear era?

© Unsplash/Daniele la Rosa Messina

The first Nuclear Energy Summit was held in Brussels in March 2024. 32 countries, including 14 EU states, declared their intention to fully exploit the potential of nuclear power. New reactors will be built, also in Europe. Installed capacity is set to increase by a third by 2045. How many of these countries have concrete plans, and what impact will they have on power prices?

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Prospects for the European electricity market: The EU Energy Outlook 2060

The European energy system will undergo major changes in the coming decades in order to continue to guarantee a secure supply against the backdrop of climate change. As part of the EU Green Deal, Europe is striving to become the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. The realisation of these plans would mean a significant change in the supply and consumption structure of the energy-intensive sectors of the economy. What do these developments mean for power prices, revenue potential and risks for photovoltaics and wind? In the current “EU Energy Outlook 2060”, we show long-term trends in Europe.

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Energy Market Review May 2023

May 2023 held some exciting news for the energy industry. The German Minister of Economics, Robert Habeck, presented a working paper on the industrial electricity price. While industry representatives praise the concept, there are also critical voices. In May, the French National Assembly voted in favor of more nuclear power. In addition, the EEX published the first market-based index for hydrogen.

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The Building Energy Act – the bone of contention for the heating sector

© Pixabay/Thomas Breher

Will Germany put an end to oil and gas heating by 2024? Market participants have received the amendment to the Building Energy Act (GEG) with much criticism. It has been the subject of some fierce discussions. Some call it a “heating hammer” that will plunge us into economic ruin. For others, the resolutions do not go far enough. In other words, they demand a tougher stance on climate protection.

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New white paper: How hydrogen helps achieve European climate neutrality by 2050

Energy Brainpool designs a new hydrogen scenario GoHydrogen. Read more about the core results of the study in the following press release.

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Rocket program for German LNG terminals

Shares of natural gas import countries in Germany and the EU (source: Energy Brainpool, 2022)
© Energy Brainpool

Reducing dependence on Russian gas is the order of the day. Thus, import LNG terminals will soon play an important role in Germany. The idea of building import terminals for liquefied natural gas (LNG) on the German coast is already several years old. However, political support for the construction of the planned facilities in Brunsbüttel, Wilhelmshaven and Stade was limited. Moreover, investment decisions by economic actors also dragged on for a long time, were put on hold or planning was very slow.

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Energy market review February 2022

Due to the war in Ukraine, February 22 was characterised by strong price movements on the short-term and futures markets. The certification of Nord Stream 2 has now been finally suspended. Due to the current high energy prices, the German government is already abolishing the EEG levy in the middle of this year. In addition, while the nuclear phase-out is scheduled for the end of this year in Germany, further nuclear power plants are being planned in France.

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Energy market review January 2022

© Energy Brainpool

2022 starts with the preparation of some legislative changes. The German government wants to pass a legislative package to achieve the expansion paths for renewable energies, the EU taxonomy is currently being discussed, and a legislative reform regarding the termination of electricity contracts is being planned.

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