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Energy BrainBlog

Blog by Energy Brainpool GmbH & Co. KG

Author: Philipp Goetz

Affects of volatile Co2-prices on the electricity price – what does the future hold?

Graphical representation of the fuel switch [Source: own representation according to Montel, EEX]
© Energy Brainpool

European CO2 prices have developed very dynamically in 2018. They rose to over 25 EUR/ton in September and then fell sharply again within a few days. Prices however have also fluctuated considerably in recent years. How does this affect the price of electricity? And what can we expect in the future, especially in view of upcoming fourth phase of the ETS (Emissions Trading System)? Guest author: Michael Claußner (Junior Expert at Energy Brainpool)

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Already 103 times “negative electricity prices” at the spot market

Figure 1 Electricity prices at the day-ahead market in Germany and France. Source EPEX SPOT SE, own figure

On Sunday, October 29th 2017 a high power generation from wind power plants hit low demand for electricity in Germany. Negative prices occurred over a maximum period of 21 hours, so that the production was affected by § 51 EEG 2017. Therefore, the number of negative prices rose to 103 for this year already.

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Negative electricity prices again

On Monday, September 11th 2017 a high power generation from wind power plants hit low demand for electricity in Germany. Negative electricity prices occurred over a maximum period of five hours, so that the production was not affected by § 51 EEG 2017. Therefore, the number of negative prices rose to…

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3rd weekend of August: negative prices at the spot market

On Saturday, August 19th 2017, as well as on Sunday, August 20th 2017, a high production of variable renewable energies hit a low demand. The primary causes of this are the weekend and the holiday period. On both days, negative prices occurred at noon over a maximum period of five hours, so that the production was not affected by § 51 EEG 2017.

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