The marketing strategy plays a key role in assessing the revenue potential of battery storage on the spot market. Read here about the revenue potential and how marketing strategies differ in terms of effort and results.
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The marketing strategy plays a key role in assessing the revenue potential of battery storage on the spot market. Read here about the revenue potential and how marketing strategies differ in terms of effort and results.
The electricity price, be it at the futures or the spot market, depends on several factors. Those include the (expected) demand, the available power plants (renewable and conventional) and the short-term fuel costs of the power plants used. The power plants along the upper part of the merit-order have the greatest influence on the electricity price, because they are needed to just meet demand. Generally, hard coal or gas-fired power plants are price-setting.
The results of the second tender for wind-onshore were less highly anticipated than in the first tender in May 2017. After the significant dominance of citizen energy companies and the surprising low price level of 5.78 cent/kWh (highest approved bid), a similar result was expected for the second tender. The market participants were not “disappointed”.
The influence of variable renewable energy sources (vRES) dominates the day-ahead market. The displacement of conventional power plants during high feed-in of vRES affects prices and generation volumes. For the Calendar Week 25 (19 – 25 June) it is analysed how conventional power plants need to adjust their scheduling because of the vRES feed-in.