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Energy BrainBlog

Blog by Energy Brainpool GmbH & Co. KG

Category: Opinion

Agile, Scrum, New Work: Is that useful or can we do without it?

© Dr. Alistair Cockburn

The energy industry is overflowing with a lot of trends and buzzwords, such as agile. It is often not easy to distinguish between them: what is hype and what is a sustainable trend for change? However, it is certain that the transformation of energy markets involves more than just the transformation of controllable, fossil-fuel to fluctuating, renewable energy production. It also requires new forms of organisation and leadership.

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About the future of the megatrend e-mobility

© BR Alpha

The idea of a city without a car seems to be an utopian dream. People are emotionally attached to cars. Electric, autonomous driving offers a wide range of advantages. The urgently needed change will not happen because we need it, but because we want it.

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A day in 2030: How digitalisation and the energy transition can influence our everyday life.

© uschi dreiucker / pixelio.de

In the following article, the guest-author Maximilian van Beuningen outlines a near energy future. The questions behind this scenario are as follows: What can everyday life look like as digitisation and the energy transition continues? Which megatrends and technologies will influence everyday life in 2030? Can people take advantage of the opportunities? And which business models will result from this? The answer is a progressive short story about the fictional protagonist Julia Müller.

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E-mobility and digitalisation – Smart City vs. Dumb Country?

© Top Magazin Ruhr

Compared to the city and all the possibilities it offers its inhabitants, rural areas often remain in the background. Are topics such as E-Mobility and digitalisation therefore only being developed further in and for cities? Will the countryside remain a “Dumb Country”?

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Five theses on the energy market for a “jamaica” coalition

The target triangle of the energy policy
© Energy Brainpool

In the anticipated legislative period, there is a great need of energy policy to respond to changes in the realms of energy, mobility and digitisation and to attain the objectives set. After evaluating the election programmes of CDU/CSU, FDP and Alliance 90/The Greens, Energy Brainpool has identified  five relevant challenges that could provide a solid basis for a common energy policy.

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Digitisation, automation and blockchain – where is the disruption?

The value chain in the energy industry no longer is traditionally linear but increasingly circular. This, as well as “behind-the-meter” business models, leads to ideas for digitalisation and the application of Blockchain. Which use cases are considered and what is already being tested today will be explained in this article.

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