The French national assembly has voted for an energy transition law. With this law, a road map for the reduction of nuclear energy production as well as the increase the share of renewable energy until 2030 has been specified.

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Within the next decade, it has been decided to reduce the share for nuclear power production from 75 % down to 50 % to the total electricity demand. In addition to that, half until the middle of the century and accordingly the CO2 emissions shall reduce the total primary energy demand by 75 % in comparison to the base year 1990. The share of renewables should be doubled by 2030, currently 20 % of the electricity production come from renewable sources.

The already very low share of fossil fuels shall be reduced by one third; especially in the mobility sector a big impulse for the French electro car manufacturer sector is expected. Here seven million charging stations will be installed and each French car user will get a subsidy by 10.000 Euro in the case, he acquires a new electric car.

According to the French environmental minister Segolene Royal is “the energy transition law a most ambitious and comprehensive law in the whole of Europe”.  France want to become the ecological motor of Europe.

France also want to position itself with the energy transition law for the next climate change conference in Paris at the end of the year.