The Energy Brainpool GmbH & Co. KG, the energy market experts from Berlin, start their new dialogue platform ”Energy BrainBlog“ today.

The blog communicates the professional corporate expertise. It covers a broad range of relevant topics for the energy industry: trade and procurement, renewable energies, new worlds of energy like storages, e-mobility as well as interesting facts on market design, energy politics, business models plus investment and financing.
The online media addresses stakeholders of the energy industry, investors, banks and political players. As a digital guide, the blog offers a central platform to communicate with experts and interested readers. Energy Brainpool experts will post weekly articles in German and English. The “Energy BrainBlog” complements the web presence where customers can inform themselves on products and services of the Berlin-based company. It expands the online activities of Energy Brainpool on Twitter, Xing and LinkedIn creating an additional possibility to interact with one another. On Twitter, the blog posts will be published regularly under the hashtag #EBBlog. The Blog is also designed with the intent of contributing to networking within the energy industry. Readers can just leave comments on articles. Also, other authors are welcome to expand the variety of articles.